Thursday, July 4, 2013

Breaking bad

And it actually begins...we reach Bali in the afternoon from Singapore. Cab from the airport takes us to "Big Pineapple"  hostel in Sanur. This is the same hostel Mandar broke bad at. Big Pineapple is a chilled-out place, buzzing with backpackers who are hanging out by the pool, on the couch, sharing travel stories and travel tips. Most of them are Europeans (expected, yeah) on a south-east Asia trip. One of the stories I hear, is how weird Singapore is as a city, how it has so many rules and you can't get cigarettes in, the girl says, "What can I tell you I was there for a day and the city is just weird". I really want to tell her that she needs to look beyond the cover of rules and fines, to see how much Singapore has to offer. And yes, it can't be experienced in one day. But, I keep to myself since I'm just low on energy after all the pre-trip madness. So I laze at the hostel, start a book called "Eats shoots and leaves", and chill by the pool in the evening glory. Its finally happening!

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