Thursday, July 18, 2013


Today has been one of the nicest days of the trip for me. I woke up at 6.15 am, which is really early for my standard. It's always been rush mornings trying to multitask while getting late for work the past few years in Singapore. Guess, its the Ubud magic now. Ubud is enchanting, a retreat in itself. I did yoga after a very long time. The fresh air and the suryanamaskars got me going. 

An early morning walk, I think, is one of the best ways to experience the local life. So I set out to observe simple nothings on Jalan Sukma. The family has already decorated the door steps with fresh flowers, I got to know later that they wake up at 5.00 am. Outside stands an overpowering red jeep, which just seemed out of place on the modest street.

Every house is a temple here, there is no difference. A temple is a spiritual place, place of the Gods, same goes for every home here. It looks and feels the part. I decided to pick my favourite house, by looking at the gate. The gates themselves have a personality of their own. The house with the wild boar is my pick.  I think its a wild boar, I'm not sure though. But, it was striking.

Every Balinese has been smiling at me, I couldn't have been more welcomed on their streets. I particularly fancy this strong woman doing the balancing act. She has flowers in her hair. I remember my mom. She loves the flowers in her hair too. When I was a young adult, I told her to remove them, they looked less stylish. Today, that picture of my mom with flowers in her hair, looks beautiful.

Back after my walk, I chat on the porch with Eka, her old mother and her three year old son Mani. Eka is busy making breakfast while Mani tries to strike a conversation with me in Balinese. And I reply back in English. :) Eka's mother is preparing the day's offerings. She makes at least 50 banana leaf squares ready to be adorned with rice and the food cooked that day. This Eka tells me us "Sai Ban", an everyday offering, kept at the home temple, doors, around the compound, to thank for the food we eat. There is also an elaborate offering made with flowers called "Canang" which is a special offering with flowers. She will be making it on Monday, since its Full Moon day. Sipping my Bali coffee, I think, the "eat", "pray" and "love" of Elizabeth Gilbert's book, could have been about Bali itself.

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