Thursday, August 6, 2009

Life Beyond TGDC

The verdict is out. So are we.

Was it disappointing? Yup. Was it unexpected? Hmmm. Maybe not.

No excuses really. As much as we would have liked to be in the Top 100, we probably did not go that extra mile. The votes did come in, but were not enough. And starting the campaign late did not help either.

The selection criteria, as published on the TGDC blog, included 9 different parameters to assess the applications - votes, testimonials, profile quality, pitch power, travel experience, travel plan, driving experience, web savvyness and photography. In the end, the crucial lesson learnt was about pitch power, and the ability to capture and sustain the imagination of the vox populi. Nevertheless, TGDC served as a wonderful opportunity to continue from where we had snoozed off for a while.

Will we be back at TGDC next year? I don't know. Will we be driving to unseen places, capturing unlived moments and sharing those unknown experiences online? You can bet on that.

Till then, this badge will remind us of the fond memories of our tryst with TGDC.

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