Thursday, February 4, 2010

Vietnamese at Pho Hoa

My plan of trying every cuisine possible here was furiously on. Vietnamese was the choice of the day.
Once again, we went to the Suntec City food court to choose from an endless list of restaurants. This time around, Charles took me to one of his favorite Vietnamese eateries, one he has been visiting for many years now - Pho Hoa. This chain has been around for a while, and has outlets in US, Canada and many countries in Asia. It also claims to be ranked in the Top 400 restaurants in US. I was about to find out.
I ordered the Chicken Noodle Soup, or Pho Ga. It came in two sizes - regular and large - knowing how well folks here can eat, I just stuck to the regular. What caught my attention on the menu though was the Vietnamese Drip Coffee with Milk and Ice, and I ordered it as well. What came back was quite fascinating - one large glass full of ice cubes, and a smaller one containing condensed milk with coffee dripping into it! One drop at a time. The coffee was coarsely ground, put in a metal drip filter and kept over the glass containing the milk. Fascinating really.
The noodle soup was quite good too - this place probably does live up to its claim. My struggle with the chopsticks was quite a story though, but well, I leave that for another day.

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